Meet The LL-Ink Characters

 Life Love Incorporated Classic Ink Logo

The Classic Logo is the featured logo for Life Love Incorporated Brand.
The symbolization of this logo is to live! life! love! life! and incorporate yourself
into your life because you matter!



Fro Boi

Waddup! Waddup! My name is Fro Boi! I'm cool I'm chill and I'm real ya feel me. I like to stay true to myself and I can care less about what people think about me. I am goal oriented! I strive for mines and I am determined to be myself while I strive for greatness. I am a hard worker and if you spend time around me I will have you wanting to run through a brick wall. Hallah at ya squallah.
-Fro Boi-  

Bag Boi

Scared of your fears? Me too. Its cool tho my name is Bag Boi and I'm here to tell you that if your dreams don't scare you then your not dreaming big enough. We all have down times but just because we are down doesn't mean we are out. Its the down times that makes us special because we learn from them and it can inspire us for greatness. I am with you.
-Bag Boi- 


Emotions run deep as roots in the ground as thoughts translates to a beautiful sound. I am Reign here to weather the storm. I'm luke hot and warm. The thunders run bright they ruin the day. My positive mind is here to stay. I speak with love and speak with the heart. I'll never let anyone tear us apart.

- Reign-

A Playa the name is Dolf
its rules to this game we call life.
Throughout this game stay true to your name.
You see the reality is aint no one gonna be real with
you like you are with your self. So death to
that fake ish and be true to you and see it all
the way thru. Im checking out.


Look out below!!! Its Astro spaced out and focused. Some may think
im distant but sometimes that distance provides me the opportunity
to dream chase. I like to priorotize my time while I age like
fine wine. To me time is all we have so why not make the most of
it! Simply


Robo Teddy
Life is a roller coaster shaking my head... tell me about it. With that roller coaster I'm here to assure you that on your path to greatness its up to us! To absorb the good along with the bad! We need them both to collectively live life
to the fullest. That's why I am a build up of my experiences. I realize that they have made me into the Strong Teddy Bear I am!
-Robo Teddy- 
Dino Ink
Do you feel shy often? I know I do but its ok to feel shy! It is I Dino Inc trust me when I say coming out of your shell can be a challenge but I challenge you to do it! Because the results will allow you to be true to yourself!
Remember closed mouths don't get fed!
- Dino Inc- 

Push it to the limit straight like that! My name is Paco! I am a tiring titian who believes we must go ALL-OUT for our goals, our dreams and our desires! Leave nothing behind burn the boats and travel the path most desired! Time to
tear through doubts, fear and misfortunes learn from them and fulfil the task at hand!
We all have an inner rage or burning desire to achieve something in our lives.
Sometimes you just have to be pissed off for greatness. Willing to make sacrifices, forget the weekend clubbing or those thirsty Thursdays we in this to win! or perhaps accomplish a personal lifetime achievement. Thats the thing you have to aggressively pursue because it makes your life worth living! Go get dat! Day in and day out that's all we about! Stay true to your mission and keep the Tunnel Vision! 

 Knockout Kasper

We all tend to have a story. Often many over look what it takes to be successful. The long nights, The blood, The Sweat, The tears and we cant forget about the fears. Sometimes we feel like a ghost alone trapped and often misunderstood. That's ok though because we made it! Tell your story how you will regardless of how they feel only you know it so knock them out and show it. Lights Please!
-Knock Out Kasper-



Best Dressed nothing but the best. Cocky? No I'm confident knowing what I experience in my life and early childhood. I know there's a special force protecting me. Growing up in the projects I've experienced many things that some would never make it back from. Keep fighting keep the faith remember its not about how you start but how you finish. There's
nothing wrong with being street smart its an intelligence so use your past to perfect your present and secure the bag.




Greetings people as you can see I love snow boarding! I love to get big air while doing what I love. While life has its many highs and lows. Whats most important is where your attention goes. One thing I know is to always
flow aim high and let your fears go. My name is sam and that I am all that I say I do. We must Soar Above & Maintain our goods while learning from our bads. The focus is you dont care if their mad. Just be you! because you are your own fad!
- Sam-

Snarly Dude! The names Snurf. I'm as cool as the ceiling fan as snarly as they come. Life is too short to not fully live one. Remember Life is but a wave in a breeze with a sun. So lets ride the wave and make it a good one! ... am I Snurfin Rite?
 Tuff Guy

O my im the Tuff Guy. You want a piece of me? That's right im not only strong but im strong minded. I am a man with a plan, not a boy with a toy. I work hard for this physique. It not only shows hard work and dedication but consistency. These things are very vital to the successes of life. Hard work needs to be incorporated into ones life for them to succeed nothing comes easy. Consistency is important. The Definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result its a must when it comes to dreams. Dedication should be self explanitory... You see my Muscles.

-Tuff Guy- 
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Many More LL-Ink Characters To Be Released Soon!